Minutes 6/22/22

Call to Order @ 3:06 by Diane/Chair

Approve/Amend Agenda

Mike moved/Cathy 2nd: modify agenda – Motion Passes


Election of Secretary – nominated Michel Coconis

Cathy moved/Mike 2nded – Motion Passes

Leadership Reports

Minutes of April 23, 2022 meeting – Diane

Questions or Corrections to the minutes – none note – approved as presented

Treasurer’s Report – Kathy

Donations – we are not in CoSMO 2022 campaign – but still listed $93.99/63.59 came from Community Shares

Check from United Way of Central Ohio – an OSU supporter (from 2021 – $30.40)

Teleconference and phone meeting and SOS fees filed – statutory agent is filed – extended for 5 years – to 2027

For the last report is the 1/2 of our portion – for Carolyn

Address? Whose? Phyllis’ house is sold/no address (Pam sent it to Cathy M with an electronic form from United Way)

Balance of $8000 plus

Accept Treasurer’s Report as presented

Legal/Legislative Report – Mike

Full written report sent to the ELF Board – up to date

Recent developments in BOLD print in his report

Abortion/Repro Rights – awaiting SCOTUS decision – overrule Roe is expected (no constitutional right to abortion expected) – effect everything

SCOTUS strikes down Roe, states will decide. Some states will strengthen and enhance abortion rights and about 1/2 restricts or bans abortion. In Ohio, the most serious, “heartbeat” bill, would ban after 6 weeks and other bills such as fetal remains bill/no consultants to abortion clinics if work for public institutions (passed by GA). HB598 – makes abortion a felony and a crime of promoting abortion (1st degree misdemeanor) (ban after conception and no exceptions for rape/incest) but maybe health/life of the mother (many hurdles to use this) but no affirmative defense. Fetal cardiac activity bill (“heartbeat”) – to last session

Mike sent article about firings at the Department of Health on abortion-inducing drugs (check email and I will add links)

Child Custody – no special protections for DV survivors (testified at the bill on Action Ohio); Shared custody laws – pointing out KY extreme laws but not as extreme as Ohio (specific protections in AR law that creates the oppositve presumption in the law) – Committee may meet over the summer. No floor votes until after General Election (according to House and Senate leaders). Lame duck. May be committee

meetings. Might rush through in 2 months for lame due (HB508).

Gun reform – permitting teachers/staff to possess guns/permitless carry bill (now law) without permit or training required.

Congressional movement on this that will include a Red Flag law among others – found they were effective in one state; may be enhanced background check and no apply over the age of 21.

As of now, Senate has more than 10 necessary but may be compromising now that it is a bill and not a “framework.” Jamie Guttenberg is the granddaughter of Ethel Guttenberg (Fred Guttenberg on gun safety reform in FL (daughter died in Parkland school shooting)

Transgender/school sports – language was incorporated to another bill – had a requirement as genital examination (internal and external) – Huffman said language is being taken out of the bill. HB151 language into Health care – HB454

Democratic bill – end discrimination with support of 1 R as of now

HB616 – teaching CRT, 1619 project, anything that’s divisive, etc – opposition rally last week – still in the works

On a positive note: HB373 passed that extends more exams for mammography or prohibits copayments/deductibles and expected to be signed by the Governor

Redistricting – Congressional is set for 2022

August 2 Election – issues – SOS LaRose said that things are ready to go – 

Victims’ rights – have notice of all relevant court proceedings and for input – go directly to the Court of Appeals for an injunction if prosecutor not providing adequate/sufficient notice

Ohio NOW Report – Carolyn – no report

Old Business

 ELF newsletter/mailing Carolyn – no report

 Status of the ERA – Carolyn – no report

Committee report on merging with Action Ohio – Candace & Michael

Candace reporting – started looking rebranding of Action Ohio and merging is another possibility; Unique from “everyone else” or are there opportunities we have missed

Report from the Action meeting – what goes into a nonprofit merger – more research and help

Rebrand – Action Ohio would change Articles of Incorporation/IRS filings – they are meeting before their regular August 2022 and weigh the options

Adding Michel to the subcommittee – approved

New Business

Essay Contest – Michel was appointed to do an initial report/Cathy 2nd – Motion passes. Will work with Carolyn and any others on this process/Consult with Diane as needed.

Representative on Women’s Policy – table from today’s agenda/Carolyn still representing – ask for input participating – positive

Women’s Policy Forum – Innovation Ohio – women’s rights – parental leave/child care – forum to strategize

If they are revived, and good to participate in overall.

HB 109 Protect our right to protest http://www.ofupac.org/hb109

HB22 – both passed the house and in Senate committee – terrible on 1st amendment

Could move during lame duck session – keep an eye on it

Website/Social Media – Candace

Facebook and Twitter has been created – retweeting other orgs content

Access to website gained (contact with MaryAnn H) – and not updated since 2016

Bylaws updated; members updated

Feedback for this?

Logo – scales with two people looking at each other

Amicus briefs as part of the history so working to keep on the updated websites

Issues with the address and not have Phyllis’ address must be changed – probably ASAP – using Diane Dodge’s address for the website but not for the state (Mike’s address there)

Cathy – please note: Membership list – is VOICEMAIL only

990 must be on the website

Delete: make a word document/update a website – no mass deleting things – an overhaul – how it looks – Trust Candace – can take the info off from CoSMO


1. Mike and Michel – for confusion’s sake

2. Congratulations on great-grandma for 2nd time!

Next Meetings

Wednesdays at 3:00 pm

August 24, 2022

October 26, 2022 (Annual Meeting)

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